Eco-friendly wastewater treatment solution
SUDrain provides innovative wastewater treatment from eco-friendly biological filter extracted from recycling coconut waste. It can be used for the treatment of industrial organic wastewater, domestic sewage, ammonia-nitrogen wastewater. Our vision is to improve the living conditions of our society.
SUDrain Solution
Lab-scale experiments and including wastewater treatment Modelling
Coconut fibre show potential as natural biofilm supports in wastewater treatment over a wide range of organic loading rate and wastewater strength.
Preconstruction Planning
Design planning wastewater treatment system We work with a wide range of stakeholders, including SMEs, public institutions, NGOs and donors that are interested in wastewater technology to improve public health and protect the environment.
Construction wastewater treatments system for target customers such as SMEs and housing estate, school, hospital etc., also provides consulting design and supervision services
Testing and analysis
Monitoring and evaluation of the system by sampling and analysis characteristics of wastewater to ensure wastewater quality discharge before and after treatment.
Training and supervising the local operator to operate and maintain wastewater treatment systems. An expert team will supervise during critical times (levelling, leakage test, pipe fitting, and test flow).
Target customers
Circular design process
Save time
We design wastewater treatment systems that are reliable, low-cost and low maintenance which can treat organic wastewater highly efficiency for a level that conforms to international environmental standards.
Our system can be individually adapted to different effluent and pollution levels; topographical conditions; and the preferences and capabilities of clients.
A power supply is not required if there is enough slope for gravitational flow through the system.
Using the biological filter for treated wastewater from recycled coconut waste
Our system can be used for 20 years. It just needs to change the coconut filter after 5 years. Then, the coconut waste can be used for another purpose as the composting.
Simple maintenance
Affordable price
Year Established
Projects Completed
Contractors Appointed
Awards Won
Designing wastewater treatment for Hospital wastewater treatment system
Designing wastewater treatment system for primary school
Describe your image
Designing wastewater treatment system for small households
Strategic Partnership
Provide consultancy to
Future Partners
Mr. Borin Ry
Chief Engineer of SUDrain
Master exchange of Environmental Consultant at BORDA for 10 years
Bachelor of civil engineer at Institute of Technology of Cambodia
Ms. Thary Vorn
Co-founder and CEO
Research and development of SUDrain
Master exchange of Environmental Engineering at TU Delft, Netherlands
Master degree of Agro-Industry and Environment from ITC
Ms. Bunsamkaneka
Business development of SUDrain
Research officer on evaluation research & Climate Chang Project at BBC Action media
Bachelor of Environmental Science at Royal University of Phnom Penh
Get a quote/Inquiries
Head Office
Tel: +855 96 92 68809
Tel: + 855 (0) 12 970610
Tel: +855 86 649 093